Thursday, September 19, 2019

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

تحميل دليل المستخدم لبرنامج HAP 4.6 - اعداد المهندس أسامة خياطه

دليل المستخدم لبرنامج HAP 4.6

تعلم استخدام برنامج HAP 4.6 - اعداد المهندس أسامه خياطه

Carrier HAP 4.61 Free Download - Hourly Analysis Program

Carrier's Hourly Analysis Program is two powerful tools in one package - versatile features for designing HVAC systems for commercial buildings AND powerful energy analysis capabilities for comparing energy consumption and operating costs of design alternatives.
By combining both tools in one package, significant time savings are achieved. Input data and results from system design calculations can be used directly in energy studies.

The program is a powerful tool for designing systems and sizing system components. HAP can easily handle projects involving:
  1. Small to large commercial buildings;
  2. Systems including rooftops, central air handlers, WSHPs, GSHPs, fan coils, VRF, chilled water, and hot water plants and more;
  3. Many types of constant volume and VAV system controls;
  4. Small office buildings, retail stores, strip shopping centers, schools, churches, restaurants, large office buildings, hotels, malls, hospitals, factories, and multi-use buildings; and
  5. New design, retrofit or energy conservation work.

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محاضرات مكتوبة باليد - مكافحة الحريق - Fire Water Tank   التحميل